It’s About Responsibility
Being Green
As Humboldt County’s TripAdvisor-certified GreenLeader Hotel, we believe we are all stewards of our environment. We engage in business practices that reduce our footprint, from using 100% non-toxic cleaning products to recycling to supporting local businesses. It’s about saying no to products that would likely be added to a landfill in the long run.
- 100% chemical-free housekeeping
- In-room recycling program
- Full hotel recycling program with the city of Fortuna
- Guest-directed linen re-use program
- 100% non-smoking rooms
- Our recent lobby renovation focused on reclaimed, reused, and recycled materials.
- Spa-grade amenity dispensers in each guest room to reduce plastic and landfill waste
- Styrofoam eliminated from guest rooms and breakfast service in favor of post-consumer recycled paper products and bio-degradable corn products
- Elimination of individual packaging at breakfast service to reduce landfill waste